Charlotte Mason Help

The Daily Checklist

The Weekly Term Schedule 

At the beginning of every term I look over the books that will be used during the next 12 wks and type them into a 12 column chart. I divide up the readings evenly over the term and plug in the chapters on the chart.  I keep track of the schedule for the younger students until they are old enough to handle this responsibility. My older students keep their term schedules on personal clipboards and refer to them constantly. It is never allowed to leave the clipboard.

The Daily Checklist 

The above daily checklist is my favorite organizational tool in our homeschool. It is very simple to use and it lets my students know exactly what needs to be completed each day. I use this template for all my children for all twelve years of school. I fill this in at the beginning of each term but I don't put any page numbers on it since they are already on the term schedule. It takes about 30 minutes to fill out 12 weeks because the days are 'generic'. We simply check off the boxes as we complete each task. I give the schedules to my older students and they like the responsibility of checking off their completed work. They also like knowing what they need to do on any given day. This teaches them to take charge of their education. My oldest daughter still uses the daily schedule template to plan her schedule while attending university.

Notice that we do not put the days of the week on it. Instead, we just label it Day 1, Day 2, etc... If we don't finish a full day, we just continue it the next day. In this way, we don't feel pressured to complete everything on a given day of the week. Often, life gets in the way, and that's okay. This means I only have to plan once per term and I don't have to write down page numbers every week.

You can click on the image to make it larger. If you would like to use the blank template you can download it here.